Exchange of experience on participant-centered learning approaches

project management - exchange of experience on participant-centered learning approaches

Project focuses on improvement of project management in SMEs and NGOs by training trainers and developing new simulations and other outputs. It reflects unsatisfactory success rates of projects generally, the need for new project managers shown by a number of studies and surveys and usability of project management skills in all walks of life. The importance of good project management (PM) is increasing worldwide, as companies are increasingly using projects to manage development of new products, new training programs, new offices and much more.

There are already many existing courses, but they mostly provide only limited space for the learners to “live” a project in a safe environment.
Our project is original in focusing on one aspect of PM training, which has large potential to improve learning (learners remember the “lived” lessons far better than just textbook-type exercises of developing schedules, etc.), the results will be transferable to other skill-type trainings.
The results include reading list on integration of simulations, games/simulations into courses (for new trainers seeking orientation but also to advanced learners seeking best resources), self-contained outputs for PM courses. Dissemination includes also target groups well beyond the consortium. 


Jana Ada Kubíčková

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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